Player Ranking
# Faction Name Class Level Guild Name Kills Rank
1 Liz 60 Valor 129,075
2 Rein 60 Valor 120,117
3 Sparky 60 Valor 118,734
4 xAshe 60 Catastrophe 113,817
5 Rengo 60 End of Light 93,275
6 [DefNot]Galvy 60 The End 89,650
7 Banana 60 Valor 86,571
8 Roger 60 The End 84,486
9 uHu 60 The End 78,626
10 Veyron 60 End of Light 77,692
11 BuGzY 60 EPOPEYA 75,045
12 --SaqibRyu-- 60 74,765
13 [GS]Fiora 60 End of Light 72,785
14 [GS]Axel 60 Born To Kill 69,504
15 Merit 60 Solar Storm 69,124
16 Ruthless 60 The End 68,779
17 [Panda] 60 Born To Kill 66,526
18 Shanxy 60 End of Light 64,317
19 bilbo 60 The End 63,730
20 Stef 60 Valor 60,558
21 [GS]Zia 60 End of Light 60,348
22 Metsastaja 60 Poderoso 59,993
23 Terr 60 The End 59,695
24 Maio 60 The End 59,665
25 Aeiae 60 The End 58,541
26 [OG]Kritter 60 Born To Kill 56,172
27 Delete 60 End of Light 54,010
28 [Killer]Bulldozer 60 EPOPEYA 53,692
29 Miny 60 Solar Storm 51,420
30 Abe 60 BAD BOYS 49,772
31 Dr.BARNI 60 Born To Kill 49,458
32 [FEAR]Dargon 60 Exalted 48,418
33 Suzi 60 48,321
34 Coyot. 60 EPOPEYA 48,250
35 [BAD]Blood 60 BAD BOYS 47,878
36 [GS]Meridian 60 Solar Storm 47,247
37 Angels 60 46,801
38 QQnaFF 60 Poderoso 46,087
39 Lilith 60 The End 45,900
40 <3[VERMEIL]<3 60 Solar Storm 44,401
41 Riff-Raff 60 End of Light 43,769
42 Alinchik 60 EPOPEYA 42,331
43 [CXS]Chaos 60 Born To Kill 41,467
44 [GOD]RUDY 60 Poderoso 41,304
45 Yoruichi 60 The End 40,714
46 Sgt.Pilla 60 EPOPEYA 40,304
47 jaydee 60 Exalted 39,712
48 Yang 60 Poderoso 38,850
49 [Mar] 60 WTFast 38,124
50 Nimueh 60 Poderoso 37,526