
Shaiya Exile - Server Rules

These are the rules of conduct that govern player interaction and activity within Shaiya Exile across the game, the community, the discord, and the website. Failure to comply may result in temporary account blocking and ultimately in account termination.


Offense: Using hacks is considered a severe offense.

Consequence: Severe cases may result in blocking access to the entire IP net of the offender.


2.1 - Account Sharing

Rule: Account sharing is not allowed.

Note: The Staff Team does not take responsibility for any consequences arising from account sharing.

2.2 - Account Trading

Rule: Account trading is prohibited.

Consequence: Selling or buying accounts for real money will result in a ban.

2.3 - Account Names

Rule: Display names and any publicly visible names must not contain vulgar, obscene, or offensive words.

Prohibited Action: Deliberately creating accounts or characters with names to make them unavailable for others.

Consequence: Violating names will be changed to a generic name.


3.1 - Harassment

Rule: Any form of harassment directed towards players or staff members is forbidden.

Action: Acting in a way that is purposely detrimental to other players' enjoyment of the game is prohibited.

3.2 - Scamming

Rule: Scamming is a very serious offense.

Action: Contact GM if you have been scammed.

3.3 - Kill Stealing

Rule: Kill stealing mobs is strictly forbidden.

3.4 - Spying

Rule: Creating an account on the opposite faction to spy is strictly forbidden.


4.1 - Language

Rule: The main language is English. Use English in public chat channels (trade, area, PvP raid).

4.2 - Harassment

Rule: Verbal harassment, disrespect, provocation, baiting, or inappropriate actions towards players or staff will not be tolerated.

4.3 - Impersonation

Rule: Impersonation of any player or staff member is strictly forbidden.

4.4 - Advertising

Rule: Advertising other Shaiya servers in our game is strictly forbidden.


5.1 - Join Mode

Rule: All raids must be open, except when killing a boss outside of PvP and the boss's health is below 40%.

Note: Set the join mode back to auto if the boss resets or dies.

5.2 - Loot Mode

Public Raids: Must be on group loot.

Farm Raids: Must be on group loot.

Private Raids: At the discretion of the raid leader.

5.3 - Kicking

Rule: Kicking active raid members is forbidden, except in these cases:

  • - AFK for more than 2 minutes after warning.
  • - Not in the designated Boss or PvP area for more than 1 minute after warning.
  • - Lacking decent equipment to compete for the boss.
  • - Below required level for PvP bosses: Lv60+ (Kimuraku, Seraphim, Dios) and Lv70 (Kanos Bosses).
  • - Not following raid commands.
  • 5.4 - Announcements

    Rule: All boss raids must be announced in trade chat as soon as the boss is found.

    5.5 - Multiple Characters

    Rule: Joining the same raid with more than one character is forbidden, except in farm raids.

    5.6 - Spawn Killing

    Rule: Spawn killing is strictly forbidden. Allow players time to move before attacking.

    5.7 - Base Attacking

    Rule: Attacking or killing in base or any "Safe Zone" is strictly forbidden.

    5.8 - Entering Enemy Bases

    Rule: Entering enemy bases and "Safe Zones" is strictly forbidden.

    Prohibited Action: Using skills to pull an opposite faction member out of their "Safe Zone".


    6.1 - Dual Boxing

    Rule: Dual boxing is not allowed.

    6.2 - Client Modifications

    Rule: Any client modification is strictly forbidden.

    6.3 - Exploits

    Rule: Exploiting game vulnerabilities or flaws is strictly forbidden.

    Unauthorized 3rd Party Software: The use of unauthorized third-party software (hacks, mods, bots, etc.) is strictly forbidden.

    Consequence: IP ban for using unauthorized software.

    6.4 - General Stat Padding

    Rule: Any form of stat padding is forbidden.

    6.5 - Toons with Opposite Factions

    Rule: Having two toons, one from each faction, is forbidden.

    6.6 - Leeching

    Rule: Placing a toon in an event to gain kills or drops while inactive (leeching) is forbidden.

    6.7 - Stat Padding Toons

    Consequence: Accounts caught stat padding will have kills and stats reset to 0.

    Note: The server admins reserve the right to change these rules or the terms of service at any time.