Player Ranking
# Faction Name Class Level Guild Name Kills Rank
1 Liz 60 Valor 114,010
2 Sparky 60 Valor 107,108
3 Rein 60 Valor 105,871
4 xAshe 60 Catastrophe 99,173
5 ImSleepy 60 The End 82,387
6 Rengo 60 End of Light 80,979
7 Roger 60 The End 80,234
8 Banana 60 Valor 79,792
9 uHu 60 The End 74,472
10 BuGzY 60 EPOPEYA 70,721
11 Ruthless 60 The End 67,549
12 Veyron 60 End of Light 66,676
13 --SaqibRyu-- 60 WTFast 61,644
14 [GS]Axel 60 Born To Kill 59,789
15 [GS]Fiora 60 End of Light 59,261
16 Hanno 60 End of Light 58,521
17 Terr 60 The End 58,304
18 [Panda] 60 Born To Kill 58,114
19 Merit 60 Solar Storm 57,743
20 Aeiae 60 The End 56,165
21 Maio 60 The End 54,172
22 Metsastaja 60 Poderoso 53,312
23 Stef 60 Valor 53,253
24 bilbo 60 The End 51,450
25 Delete 60 End of Light 51,047
26 [OG]Kritter 60 Born To Kill 48,231
27 Miny 60 Solar Storm 48,176
28 [BAD]Blood 60 BAD BOYS 47,681
29 Nub 60 BAD BOYS 46,268
30 [GS]Oro 60 The End 46,030
31 [GS]Zia 60 End of Light 45,729
32 <3[VERMEIL]<3 60 Solar Storm 44,150
33 Dr.BARNI 60 Born To Kill 43,803
34 [Killer]Bulldozer 60 EPOPEYA 43,479
35 [GS]Meridian 60 Solar Storm 42,536
36 [FEAR]Dargon 60 Exalted 42,189
37 [ADV]Suzi 60 Born To Kill 42,125
38 Alinchik 60 EPOPEYA 41,779
39 Yoruichi 60 The End 40,714
40 QQupalz 60 Solar Storm 40,150
41 Riff-Raff 60 End of Light 37,357
42 Coyot. 60 EPOPEYA 37,223
43 KSYERE 60 36,042
44 Lilith 60 The End 34,745
45 Nyaar 60 Poderoso 34,017
46 [CXS]Chaos 60 Born To Kill 34,007
47 L.A 60 Born To Kill 33,465
48 Nimueh 60 Poderoso 32,296
49 qwe 60 MOFOs 32,172
50 jaydee 60 Exalted 31,361
51 [GOD]RUDY 60 Poderoso 31,272
52 [Blade] 60 Born To Kill 30,069
53 Loco 60 Born To Kill 30,039
54 MiniGoob69 60 Solar Storm 29,797
55 [Mar] 60 WTFast 28,256
56 JJ 60 Born To Kill 27,989
57 Sgt.Pilla 60 EPOPEYA 26,953
58 Eryx 60 25,375
59 BOMBRIU 60 The End 24,671
60 Rub3r 60 MOFOs 24,413
61 [Daddy] 60 WTFast 24,274
62 Vorlon 60 Solar Storm 23,295
63 AL-10 60 The End 22,761
64 Belato 60 Catastrophe 22,670
65 MoDo- 60 EPOPEYA 22,437
66 Ryker 60 Valor 22,250
67 [ADV]Maaki 60 End of Light 21,590
68 Incendio 60 21,055
69 NoWayOut 60 WTFast 20,958
70 Faja 60 WTFast 20,381
71 Panzona 60 -LAT- 20,287
72 OneX 60 Born To Kill 19,739
73 Alas 60 End of Light 19,142
74 Powder 60 -LAT- 18,661
75 Lisa 60 The End 18,523
76 Thoth 60 18,500
77 Melkor 60 Solar Storm 18,424
78 Runner 60 SayNoToxic 18,067
79 Loot-Goblin 60 End of Light 17,715
80 zipzap 60 End of Light 17,649
81 [PRESIDENT]Centurius 60 Immortals 17,349
82 Duck 60 End of Light 16,743
83 Omou 60 End of Light 16,412
84 Totisty 60 Catastrophe 16,149
85 Annie 60 WTFast 15,324
86 Vennon 60 -LAT- 14,817
87 Aerroc 60 14,746
88 DUKE 60 BAD BOYS 14,742
89 Bertolina 60 EPOPEYA 14,621
90 Noth 60 Valor 14,589
91 Java 60 Solar Storm 14,199
92 Sever 60 The End 14,054
93 Atum 60 The End 13,717
94 StabbyMcStab 60 Solar Storm 13,707
95 Azalea 60 Catastrophe 13,637
96 PUMA 60 The End 13,443
97 PermaGlow 60 Solar Storm 13,315
98 Lightning 60 13,289
99 name 60 13,055
100 Pink 60 WTFast 13,043
101 Ratykoo 60 Solar Storm 13,012
102 Eviltwin 60 End of Light 12,532
103 [GODDESS]Pie T-T 60 The End 12,346
104 Revox 60 The End 12,206
105 BlackDragon 60 The End 11,868
106 Xiantel 60 Catastrophe 11,798
107 kafka 60 WTFast 11,772
108 KYUTIE 60 Catastrophe 11,718
109 Pure 60 EPOPEYA 11,444
110 [Reaper]Sakri 60 EPOPEYA 10,922
111 SkitzZone 60 Born To Kill 10,807
112 Capt.SaveAH0E 60 10,672
113 Nibble 60 Solar Storm 10,370
114 NotYourFatty 60 End of Light 10,202
115 Yami 60 Born To Kill 10,124
116 Ezel 60 WTFast 10,053
117 Kearny 60 The End 9,980
118 Made 60 Catastrophe 9,540
119 [GS]KillerPagan 60 Solar Storm 9,516
120 Sylva 60 Solar Storm 9,487
121 Amayo 60 SayNoToxic 9,119
122 fred34 60 8,882
123 Ben 60 EPOPEYA 8,802
124 TAGGER 60 just4fun 8,423
125 Naofumi 60 Solar Storm 8,248
126 Trolli 60 7,894
127 Lantis 60 BlackList 7,456
128 [MoM]Yuna 60 Born To Kill 7,429
129 [iDoL]PaSiKaT 60 Catastrophe 7,283
130 Apocalypse 60 7,261
131 Braun 60 -LAT- 7,067
132 Oi 60 7,022
133 Kyra 60 EPOPEYA 7,008
134 Bisnaga 60 EPOPEYA 6,925
135 Thurandil 60 MOFOs 6,644
136 LootGoblin 60 Solar Storm 6,616
137 RR 60 Born To Kill 6,526
138 [Ms]Metsastaja 60 Poderoso 6,457
139 Orc 60 Solar Storm 6,036
140 True 60 5,854
141 Atlas 60 The End 5,720
142 Coda 60 Solar Storm 5,696
143 Vex 60 5,514
144 LIEF 60 EPOPEYA 5,366
145 Levi 60 5,172
146 Lizie 30 Valor 5,144
147 Kyrios 60 Born To Kill 5,109
148 Akira. 60 5,100
149 Rhyou 60 Solar Storm 5,047
150 Blasphemy 60 The End 4,857
151 EarthDragon 60 Catastrophe 4,740
152 Days 60 The End 4,554
153 FOD 60 The End 4,425
154 Panzona. 60 -LAT- 4,421
155 Cielo 60 End of Light 4,306
156 SteiNFreD 60 End of Light 4,204
157 -Nuke- 60 Valor 4,130
158 [GOD]Hephaestus 60 Born To Kill 4,065
159 .Metsastaja. 30 Poderoso 4,012
160 feather 60 3,853
161 -Panzona- 60 -LAT- 3,691
162 LUC 60 3,499
163 Aulendil 30 Solar Storm 3,455
164 Hiddenx 60 EPOPEYA 3,391
165 [Original]Coke 60 3,382
166 Brutality 60 3,344
167 Dobrac 60 3,327
168 [ADV]Kira 60 3,268
169 Snow 30 End of Light 3,227
170 Vandrela 60 The End 3,148
171 Malvo 60 Sem Patrao 3,045
172 Ciin 60 SayNoToxic 2,923
173 Aven60 60 2,861
174 NotFatty 60 End of Light 2,857
175 HiddenArrow 60 EPOPEYA 2,849
176 GangstaBonnie 60 Honorable Knights 2,843
177 TIINCULO 60 2,819
178 DragonSlayer 60 Catastrophe 2,799
179 BLVCK 60 Solar Storm 2,756
180 Lone 60 EPOPEYA 2,747
181 Disappear 30 The End 2,747
182 Dar 60 2,727
183 Loki 60 WTFast 2,597
184 Mevi 60 Honorable Knights 2,597
185 Traxex 60 EPOPEYA 2,578
186 Cecilia 60 Solar Storm 2,529
187 MMickey 30 End of Light 2,343
188 Spade 30 2,321
189 Grace 60 Fate 2,307
190 SpoKu 60 Freelancers 2,300
191 nohealdpstfu 30 The End 2,288
192 Enyo 60 2,213
193 SkyroFuerza 60 Legendary 2,180
194 CHINGETAK 60 2,143
195 Hinata 30 The End 2,113
196 OSITO 60 -LAT- 2,104
197 Serein 15 Valor 2,095
198 GEO 30 Born To Kill 2,071
199 ArrowX 30 SayNoToxic 2,050
200 Athena 60 2,012
201 Usopp 30 2,005
202 ALITA 60 1,916
203 TORRO 60 Solar Storm 1,916
204 Exodus 60 WTFast 1,860
205 Yuri 60 1,860
206 Ancora 60 1,856
207 Juicy. 30 1,846
208 warwick 60 Exalted 1,840
209 ChillOut. 60 Solar Storm 1,831
210 nayo 60 Born To Kill 1,823
211 ArticFox 30 End of Light 1,801
212 DaddyDiddy 60 1,777
213 Kreiger 15 Poderoso 1,775
214 MiniG69 30 Solar Storm 1,774
215 Sacra 60 Freelancers 1,743
216 -Java- 30 Solar Storm 1,687
217 33Gramz 30 Poderoso 1,673
218 chopy 60 Solar Storm 1,634
219 Wanheda 60 -LAT- 1,633
220 Smuggler 60 Valor 1,629
221 JuicyLipa 60 Born To Kill 1,615
222 NamDoo 60 Born To Kill 1,612
223 Astro 60 1,606
224 GT3 60 Eternity 1,605
225 kokodayl 60 1,513
226 ZeroCapacity 30 EPOPEYA 1,425
227 1Hit 60 End of Light 1,414
228 Decyber 60 1,385
229 SilverHorn 60 1,377
230 Angel 60 1,369
231 1st 60 1,355
232 VaLy30 60 1,346
233 -Trolli 30 1,339
234 Panny 60 The End 1,338
235 Nqmcho 60 End of Light 1,336
236 33Gz 15 Poderoso 1,316
237 NamDooXXX 30 Born To Kill 1,302
238 --SINN 60 1,302
239 Ego 60 1,297
240 PRIEST- 60 WTFast 1,292
241 Paleta 60 -LAT- 1,285
242 Ariella. 60 Legendary 1,281
243 POYPOY 60 1,247
244 Protatoe 60 End of Light 1,230
245 Dimsum 15 End of Light 1,205
246 Que 30 WTFast 1,200
247 Arun 15 Solar Storm 1,191
248 Fart_Machine 60 1,182
249 Rafaela 60 Catastrophe 1,182
250 Desmont 60 Born To Kill 1,170
251 EzName 60 1,162
252 Purpure 30 EPOPEYA 1,148
253 Son. 30 WTFast 1,138
254 Angels 15 1,109
255 InFamous 60 Born To Kill 1,106
256 Reaper 60 Exalted 1,103
257 Roy 60 1,085
258 Tiliyu 30 End of Light 1,083
259 AkoNaNi 60 Solar Storm 1,080
260 Unknown 60 Born To Kill 1,068
261 Bubba-Riff 15 End of Light 1,052
262 Ayra 60 1,031
263 Paranormal 60 1,017
264 GRETA 60 TURKEY 1,015
265 Anona 30 EPOPEYA 1,008
266 Sohaya 30 MOFOs 1,004
267 DTM3 60 The End 999
268 Haha 60 Born To Kill 993
269 Smea 30 End of Light 993
270 Tess.Tickles 30 End of Light 991
271 BabeBuff 30 SayNoToxic 976
272 Terry 30 The End 972
273 Aristides 30 EPOPEYA 972
274 inoe 15 The End 966
275 Demi 60 965
276 Skie 60 959
277 Club 30 WTFast 936
278 AMLEHT 60 929
279 Tomate 60 The End 927
280 2030 30 Catastrophe 924
281 engr 60 Solar Storm 919
282 fen 30 End of Light 913
283 Ricky 60 -LAT- 888
284 qwe 30 MOFOs 881
285 PERS 60 848
286 Pie 30 The End 828
287 SoloLvling 60 827
288 Petite 15 824
289 Buriza 60 821
290 tjeetn01 60 Freelancers 810
291 Clubs 15 WTFast 810
292 ALLSTAR 60 786
293 hris4o 30 End of Light 772
294 Morlon_ 15 Solar Storm 769
295 DUGO 60 WTFast 768
296 ZANGI 15 Born To Kill 756
297 Maria 15 EPOPEYA 750
298 KUBAL 60 Exalted 746
299 Arigato 60 729
300 Gooby 15 Solar Storm 727
301 Chiquitita 53 725
302 nes 60 724
303 Ratika 30 Solar Storm 721
304 Exus 60 719
305 EBUS 60 709
306 Sky 30 Catastrophe 707
307 Vicious 60 702
308 BowXX 15 SayNoToxic 683
309 PauDeOculos 60 Sem Patrao 682
310 Kappa 60 665
311 Real-Delete 60 The End 659
312 BOZKURT 60 642
313 Fennec 15 End of Light 633
314 Mojito 15 End of Light 626
315 Oroo 30 The End 622
316 Aza 30 Catastrophe 622
317 Betta. 60 EPOPEYA 613
318 Cathien 30 Sexy 611
319 -Exodus 30 WTFast 604
320 nokman 60 Catastrophe 601
321 xDecyber 60 594
322 LUC30 30 590
323 Paksit 15 Catastrophe 586
324 Mr.V 30 TURKEY 580
325 BuffMe 60 WTFast 577
326 Arbs 60 Catastrophe 575
327 Mr.Ve 60 568
328 K.O. 60 561
329 Abel3 60 552
330 Hanna 60 546
331 Purepur 15 EPOPEYA 541
332 Walter 60 Solar Storm 539
333 Stardust 15 MOFOs 533
334 NotUHeal 30 Solar Storm 531
335 Satoshi 60 524
336 shisui 60 511
337 Bills 30 -LAT- 511
338 B5H 60 Poderoso 510
339 Blasted 60 506
340 Walts.SiD 60 Solar Storm 505
341 yours 30 504
342 Viar 60 Solar Storm 503
343 IBRU 60 Born To Kill 503
344 Mevius 30 Honorable Knights 502
345 PapaDontPlay 60 Born To Kill 494
346 TouchOfPhate 60 The End 491
347 Eteo1 15 The End 489
348 HaveMercy 60 489
349 ZVK 30 The End 483
350 Royal 15 482
351 jaydee. 15 Exalted 482
352 Abaddon 60 Exalted 477
353 Aristotelina 30 EPOPEYA 471
354 155 15 Catastrophe 467
355 Ella 60 Catastrophe 461
356 Xiantel. 30 Catastrophe 454
357 Keo 60 452
358 Pagan. 30 447
359 HELCK 30 Catastrophe 445
360 Gui 60 444
361 Alincik 15 EPOPEYA 433
362 .jaydee 30 Exalted 427
363 las 15 End of Light 422
364 Nim 15 Poderoso 414
365 _L_A_ 15 Born To Kill 414
366 ShotGun 15 EPOPEYA 404
367 Hamishas 60 EPOPEYA 400
368 Kaizer 60 Catastrophe 395
369 CUTE 15 Catastrophe 394
370 Karya 60 Legendary 392
371 [Blue] 60 389
372 Apoca 30 388
373 Sunny 15 SayNoToxic 381
374 Cacao 30 Solar Storm 380
375 Cleminencio 30 EPOPEYA 376
376 TooMuch 15 The End 371
377 Salem 15 The End 370
378 DEX 30 369
379 Fatty 15 End of Light 364
380 YogurtD.Mango 15 -LAT- 361
381 -BOMBRIU 15 The End 347
382 Deceiver 60 345
383 Capt 30 345
384 Jay 60 Honorable Knights 344
385 Koda 60 The End 343
386 HiddenS 30 EPOPEYA 340
387 Lilit 15 The End 338
388 Shoot3r 60 Solar Storm 338
389 Anniballe 60 336
390 CriticalHealZ 60 329
391 Percocet 15 324
392 ELPIDO 15 323
393 RuthIess 15 The End 322
394 Destiny30 30 EPOPEYA 317
395 Atrocity 30 Born To Kill 317
396 DeadlySins 60 Solar Storm 313
397 Fildiferro 60 310
398 _L-A_ 30 Born To Kill 310
399 Veck 60 308
400 ..iLLeGalL.. 60 BlackList 306
401 PanzoN 60 -LAT- 306
402 Emz 60 SayNoToxic 304
403 Walts 30 Solar Storm 298
404 LU 30 The End 296
405 Vico 60 MOFOs 292
406 joy 15 -LAT- 290
407 Kayzee 60 288
408 ScammeD 60 284
409 featherrr 30 284
410 Pypok 60 281
411 Drunky 60 276
412 Frogy 60 275
413 Goldilocks 15 Solar Storm 272
414 Orc15 15 Solar Storm 268
415 MKS 60 268
416 lzzy 60 267
417 SonoTuoPadre 60 MOFOs 264
418 Wrs 30 263
419 KamainZ 30 Holy Knights 261
420 .BOMBRIU 30 The End 257
421 Thunk 15 Honorable Knights 253
422 titanko 60 250
423 JOGU 60 248
424 Spam 30 245
425 Veldora 60 End of Light 245
426 Tokki 30 Born To Kill 244
427 PanCada 60 242
428 iSAFE 30 Solar Storm 242
429 lilo 60 The End 236
430 Tchaikovsky 60 236
431 Xanus 60 MOFOs 236
432 Aish 30 Solar Storm 235
433 smoking 60 Legendary 234
434 .Lento 15 233
435 Cocao 15 Solar Storm 233
436 Less 15 Catastrophe 231
437 Apoc 15 230
438 Brave 15 228
439 Spy 30 Solar Storm 228
440 Vilen 60 225
441 ZVR 15 The End 222
442 Uno 15 216
443 EL- 15 213
444 Doly 30 -LAT- 211
445 Spateous 60 210
446 Fotze 60 Legendary 209
447 iCenturious 30 209
448 mustang 30 208
449 qwe 30 MOFOs 205
450 GGG 60 204
451 FIGHTER30_UM 30 204
452 Lufy 15 202
453 Java- 15 Solar Storm 201
454 Staku 30 200
455 NamDooXV 15 Born To Kill 200
456 name1 30 199
457 Isa 15 Eternity 198
458 Chamakin 30 -LAT- 195
459 Rekt 30 Legendary 194
460 pomo 60 192
461 Omoura 15 End of Light 192
462 Numb 30 191
463 xerolaine 60 190
464 MrsBunny 30 Honorable Knights 185
465 Pots 15 183
466 HZR. 15 End of Light 178
467 Diet-Coke 30 178
468 THORA 30 177
469 Ono. 60 176
470 Burakdat 15 WTFast 174
471 meep 60 172
472 Dx 60 172
473 PATOTOYA 15 171
474 zunhor 60 171
475 Twice 60 170
476 Bull 60 170
477 Linchik 30 EPOPEYA 166
478 Coca. 60 -LAT- 164
479 Yumi 60 Spirits of Vengeance 162
480 Meriko 15 Poderoso 160
481 WTF 60 Solar Storm 157
482 Ernestina 15 EPOPEYA 155
483 Hakunna 30 Solar Storm 153
484 Gustalagusta 60 -LAT- 152
485 Josefina 15 EPOPEYA 152
486 Bisnagona 15 EPOPEYA 151
487 KalaAstri 60 Solar Storm 149
488 Veda 60 Black Cats 149
489 lxLoco 60 147
490 BITAW 15 145
491 Mr.Magius 60 -LAT- 143
492 -Aki 30 142
493 lmk 15 141
494 Incendio. 15 End of Light 140
495 David. 30 138
496 Hazii 15 Exalted 138
497 FireDragon 30 Catastrophe 137
498 Cabug- 60 EPOPEYA 136
499 WillTurner 60 136
500 ZyariiiEEE 60 Legendary 135
501 ultraviolence 60 135
502 nhub 30 Exalted 135
503 Yogurtsita 30 -LAT- 132
504 koko 60 132
505 Purple 30 132
506 Dispel 60 130
507 Testina 60 128
508 Dny. 60 127
509 Yazychnytskyy 30 Poderoso 125
510 STEMI 15 125
511 Harv 30 -LAT- 124
512 NotGoob 30 Solar Storm 123
513 DailyGrind 30 121
514 Grashi 60 118
515 farmwell 30 118
516 Natah 60 MOFOs 117
517 XiantelP 30 Catastrophe 117
518 Brain30 30 -LAT- 115
519 QueenJAEN 15 Legendary 115
520 Marie 15 For 114
521 Jura 30 Spirits of Vengeance 114
522 Toca 15 Born To Kill 114
523 Bellatrix 30 -LAT- 109
524 cat 60 107
525 PUMAX 60 The End 106
526 Bobita 15 WTFast 105
527 Incy 60 104
528 Demonbane 60 103
529 HxH. 30 End of Light 100
530 Luck 30 100
531 Novacrono 60 100
532 featherr 15 99
533 Hana 30 WTFast 97
534 Amayori 60 SayNoToxic 96
535 Decyberi 15 95
536 Healz 60 94
537 MoDo30- 30 EPOPEYA 92
538 Dignity 60 90
539 Wreck 60 Solar Storm 89
540 Centurious 30 Immortals 87
541 FireBall 30 EPOPEYA 87
542 TuoPadreSono 15 87
543 Loading... 60 86
544 Clubby 15 86
545 Xena 30 85
546 Gon 60 84
547 Tokito 30 -LAT- 84
548 Barya 30 82
549 Bruce 60 82
550 Harunna 15 Solar Storm 82
551 bangus 60 82
552 BalrogW 60 82
553 Buf 53 82
554 INSPI 30 81
555 Dom 15 -LAT- 81
556 NOT-Arg 15 Solar Storm 80
557 Izanagi 30 80
558 PermaJr 15 Solar Storm 80
559 Dragonest 60 Catastrophe 79
560 Trolli 15 78
561 daftpunk 30 MOFOs 77
562 INT 60 WTFast 77
563 ELFQueen 30 76
564 Ratty 15 Solar Storm 76
565 -HCTZ- 60 75
566 Jaaen 30 73
567 Baela 60 73
568 italia 30 73
569 Blue 60 Honorable Knights 73
570 Veresta 60 Spirits of Vengeance 72
571 Strix 15 71
572 Vers 60 70
573 idgaf_MANIO 30 Catastrophe 70
574 455 60 70
575 Ace 30 69
576 helloMADAFAK 60 68
577 PXiantel 15 Catastrophe 67
578 MrsThumper 15 Honorable Knights 65
579 SUBOMUTO 15 Catastrophe 65
580 Opg 30 The End 65
581 Hermes 30 64
582 Buff 56 64
583 snitch 60 62
584 WaterDragon 15 Catastrophe 61
585 Spike 60 WTFast 61
586 Para 60 61
587 MoronHunterz 60 Solar Storm 60
588 RayCrazy 60 EPOPEYA 58
589 Elora 60 End of Light 58
590 ShowMen 60 End of Light 58
591 Mistral 60 57
592 Raikage 60 57
593 Tankheal 60 57
594 Ballistix 37 57
595 Shesh 15 57
596 -hit- 30 56
597 Ploom 15 56
598 Ocean 60 55
599 Buf2 60 54
600 Pale 30 The End 54
601 Emily 60 MOFOs 53
602 Eil 60 52
603 MrSpy 60 TURKEY 52
604 Arrows- 30 Honorable Knights 49
605 Bella 15 WTFast 49
606 HGrace 30 Catastrophe 48
607 Sakura 60 The End 48
608 BLVE 15 48
609 YG_BENG 60 47
610 War30 30 47
611 Die 15 46
612 15 15 46
613 Moragana. 60 Legendary 45
614 Chocolety 60 45
615 Regnomorcen 60 43
616 DuckingFrunk 15 Solar Storm 42
617 MrsDestiny 30 42
618 Syek 15 Solar Storm 41
619 Echo 60 41
620 Ciin15 15 SayNoToxic 41
621 Lister 30 41
622 IBRUKhI 60 39
623 AngelMandL 60 EPOPEYA 39
624 Slasher 15 39
625 DooM 60 SayNoToxic 38
626 Legolas 15 38
627 MOFOs 60 MOFOs 38
628 Lailah 60 37
629 Nero 60 37
630 Bran 60 37
631 HUN 60 37
632 okg 15 The End 36
633 ASHA 15 36
634 Gusa 60 36
635 Necromonger 15 36
636 TheBoulder 60 MOFOs 35
637 Ciindy 30 SayNoToxic 35
638 Yui 15 Spirits of Vengeance 35
639 Reapz 60 34
640 B0rc 15 Solar Storm 34
641 VettsGonS 60 34
642 Yuki 60 Spirits of Vengeance 33
643 Marfoire 30 Solar Storm 33
644 Moist30 30 33
645 tuupii 15 End of Light 33
646 Moon 15 32
647 Yuuki 30 Spirits of Vengeance 31
648 Dawgs 60 31
649 30LVL 30 30
650 aXo 60 -LAT- 30
651 Renzuken 15 Catastrophe 30
652 Ixchel 60 Catastrophe 30
653 PackAPunch 60 30
654 BuqsBunny. 60 End of Light 28
655 StaticGray 30 28
656 IxLoco 15 28
657 WIS 15 WTFast 28
658 BUTCHOK 60 27
659 GaeBulg 15 Solar Storm 27
660 Walts- 15 Solar Storm 27
661 Shawn 60 26
662 BoogeyMan 30 Freelancers 26
663 [ADV]BlackSylva 60 26
664 Slade 15 25
665 Camp 30 25
666 -B2- 30 WTFast 25
667 iTrolli 60 25
668 Dystopia 30 25
669 Asr 15 25
670 NiLo-Butayta 60 Legendary 24
671 Kiro 60 24
672 Ride 30 24
673 ART 9 24
674 Pagan 60 Solar Storm 24
675 [ADV]KrazyKira 60 23
676 Mias 60 H O M I E S 23
677 Titeng 30 23
678 Axe 30 21
679 Seegson 60 21
680 BANANIN 60 21
681 Evermore 15 21
682 Overlord 60 21
683 Jebise 30 21
684 Hyoga 30 20
685 Fei 15 20
686 ATOM 60 20
687 ALITA2 30 20
688 drakulea 60 Catastrophe 20
689 Mavis. 60 Catastrophe 19
690 Rilllas 15 19
691 Zee 15 19
692 bober 60 19
693 JL. 60 18
694 PaSiKaT30 30 Catastrophe 18
695 Naver11 60 18
696 Rekrem 60 Legendary 17
697 BRUJO30 30 The End 17
698 Kearny5 15 The End 17
699 Lx 60 17
700 Xine 15 17
701 Chopper 60 17
702 Leeeroy 30 16
703 1Sacra 30 Freelancers 16
704 Penny.15 15 16
705 RebuffLUC 54 16
706 Jeggar 60 15
707 Rocky 30 15
708 YeniRaki100cl 15 MOFOs 15
709 Bowjob 30 Solar Storm 15
710 JaCeN 60 Black Cats 15
711 MiniRuth 30 The End 15
712 Pal3 15 -LAT- 14
713 Priest 60 Guild 14
714 ICY 60 EPOPEYA 14
715 HitnRun 60 14
716 Minino 15 14
717 AFK 60 WTFast 14
718 Coca 30 -LAT- 14
719 Beau. 60 Catastrophe 14
720 Ms.Pots 30 14
721 Removed 15 Solar Storm 14
722 RPTM 60 13
723 -Oxi- 60 Catastrophe 13
724 Woe 59 13
725 alumino 60 13
726 N3cromong3r 60 13
727 UPS 15 13
728 VaLyC 60 13
729 Lancelot 30 13
730 EviItwin 60 13
731 Veda4ka 30 Black Cats 12
732 Nibbi 60 EPOPEYA 12
733 Dawgss30 30 12
734 Arthemis 30 12
735 GRETAAAAA 15 12
736 YanShu 15 12
737 Useless 15 12
738 OwO 15 12
739 PussyDrops 15 11
740 AzraeI 60 The End 11
741 smd 30 11
742 MissRock 60 11
743 boss 30 11
744 lllllllllllll 30 11
745 CampOut 60 11
746 Dimi 60 11
747 Smurff 15 11
748 Moouka 60 EPOPEYA 11
749 Flake 30 End of Light 10
750 AinzOoalGown 60 10
751 Jaen-15 15 10
752 Lavis 30 10
753 CoCaCoLa 15 10
754 Angeel 15 10
755 sasa 15 10
756 Dolce 15 9
757 Vulcan 60 9
758 Azra 15 The End 9
759 Savant 60 Catastrophe 9
760 Bonniegrb 60 Honorable Knights 9
761 Rock-Hard 15 Legendary 9
762 Putz 15 -LAT- 9
763 Gross 30 9
764 Arc 30 9
765 Lassy 60 9
766 llXVIII 15 8
767 damagge 15 8
768 Enoch 60 Legendary 8
769 Hi-Fi 60 8
770 Gin 30 8
771 TWICE. 60 8
772 Baelah 60 MOFOs 8
773 Incataciones 60 8
774 ga.Arrow 60 8
775 Kalsifer 60 8
776 Niz 30 Spirits of Vengeance 8
777 Kaguya 15 Spirits of Vengeance 7
778 FAITH 60 7
779 AIison 30 Kittens 7
780 Andot. 15 7
781 Thorfinn 60 7
782 Janine 60 Legendary 7
783 Iyah 15 7
784 buff60 60 7
785 Maxie 60 Poderoso 7
786 Ako15 15 Holy Knights 7
787 Popo123 30 7
788 Dome 60 EPOPEYA 6
789 Incants 53 Immortals 6
790 ScamminG 15 6
791 ASSasSIN 60 6
792 Casbah 60 6
793 Anzucher 60 6
794 SantaClaus 60 6
795 Chiki 15 6
796 RogalDorn 60 6
797 Rinne 17 6
798 RagnaR 60 6
799 PU74 30 6
800 AwOno. 60 6
801 Laky 59 6
802 PinkyToe 30 End of Light 6
803 Ms.PotsAlot 60 6
804 CSGT 60 Sexy 6
805 FUZ 30 6
806 Loco15 15 Born To Kill 6
807 Flavii 60 6
808 lolo 15 The End 6
809 Lento.. 15 6
810 revise 60 6
811 YoooY 60 End of Light 5
812 Leonid 60 End of Light 5
813 SweetyIce 30 5
814 iIi 60 5
815 Pam15 15 5
816 N1 30 5
817 GameOver 15 5
818 Stg 30 5
819 Horus 30 5
820 Sumo 60 The End 5
821 Enin 60 5
822 Peaches 60 4
823 SrtaP 15 -LAT- 4
824 Toji 15 BlackList 4
825 zehaha 30 4
826 LILI 30 4
827 CampOut15 15 4
828 Fatal 60 4
829 Code 30 4
830 WinnieThePooh 60 4
831 Poo 30 4
832 BBQue 36 4
833 -AmBush- 15 4
834 Rheya 30 4
835 Binseu 15 4
836 Zuber 60 End of Light 4
837 Reficul 60 4
838 Slaktarn 60 The End 4
839 Boji 60 4
840 pip 60 3
841 Se7en 60 3
842 Jampaks 15 3
843 Gladiator 60 3
844 DoNed 60 3
845 Bhuraaaat 30 3
846 Strawberry 30 3
847 Terror 60 End of Light 3
848 Winch 15 3
849 Drogon 60 3
850 xexi 60 Solar Storm 3
851 Reyhard 30 BlackList 3
852 Zyxwa 60 3
853 MonkeyD.Tro 30 2
854 a15 15 2
855 Maxinho 30 Sem Patrao 2
856 Jerome 30 Sem Patrao 2
857 Santa15 15 2
858 pQz 60 2
859 Kirk 60 VersioN 2
860 KingELF 15 2
861 CreamStick 60 2
862 Mr.Gvo 60 2
863 Clapped 60 2
864 Karma. 60 2
865 Row 60 2
866 Gr20 30 just4fun 2
867 Hilda 60 2
868 JET 15 2
869 Groove 56 2
870 Drudi 15 2
871 Whise 60 Catastrophe 2
872 Sever_VN 60 2
873 KUYATURKS 60 2
874 na-yo 30 Born To Kill 1
875 OVO 60 1
876 Buho 60 -LAT- 1
877 Finn. 15 Catastrophe 1
878 wdwawad 15 1
879 M4RR3T4 60 1
880 KoRKuSuZ39 60 39TR39 1
881 GuT 30 1
882 meow 60 1
883 01kong 60 Honorable Knights 1
884 Epitaph 15 Born To Kill 1
885 Incarnate 60 1
886 Loco30 30 1
887 LickMyBalls 59 1
888 Ebenegel 60 End of Light 1
889 Garfield 60 1
890 Dooh_Nibor 30 1
891 Fankus 60 1
892 EIocin 30 1
893 Hylos 55 1
894 Suri 60 1
895 Protein- 30 1
896 buffuNUBS 53 The End 1
897 LUC15 15 1
898 Heller 60 1
899 Dengi 60 1
900 YangYang 60 Legendary 1
901 Janine15 15 1
902 Pinkie 30 1
903 niaxani 60 1
904 t15 15 Exalted 1
905 Penny15 30 1
906 Banjo 30 1
907 Pisti 30 1
908 xPokerface 60 Catastrophe 1
909 Xanis 30 MOFOs 1
910 Milkshake 60 1
911 Mommy 60 WTFast 1
912 Soares 15 -LAT- 1
914 CannLaxy 60 1
915 30Demi 30 1
916 Sicaria- 30 -LAT- 1
917 Phantom 15 1
918 Adina 30 1
919 Garp 15 1
920 AkoN15 15 1
921 Fury 60 Eternity 1
922 -Seems- 60 1
923 Sow 60 1
924 Knox 60 1
925 Mogami 60 1
926 Shura 15 1
927 Bitty 60 1
928 Frosty 58 1
929 Layla 60 1
930 Beans 30 Poderoso 1
931 Fresita 60 -LAT- 1
932 Potato 60 1
933 Rob 60 EPOPEYA 1
934 TwisteR 60 1
935 Butta-Bing 60 End of Light 1
936 -MarNik30- 60 1
937 G13 60 1
938 Tuff 30 1
939 LuckToU 53 1
940 Chenaya 60 1
941 KaaN 60 BlackList 1
942 Watermelon 60 1
943 Azul 60 1